Jugoslovenska kinoteka

 EFG1914 project
  Zakletva regruta Vardarskog puka  
  Vardar regiment soldiers oath  
  known as (alternate titles) : Zakletva regruta Vardarskog puka u Beogradskom gradu na dan 13. aprila 1914. godine   
  id #   JKBogd-EFG114  
  producer :  Đoka Bogdanović ;   Jugoslovenska kinoteka  
  srpski intertitlovi , 1913., 35mm, B&W   trajanje 12:38"  
  Zakletva prvih regruta iz novooslobođenih srpskih oblasti, vojnika Vardarskog puka, započela je u 10 sati pre podne 13. aprila 1914. godine u Donjem gradu na Kalemegdanu.

Prisutni su bili prestolonaslednik Aleksandar Karađorđević, ministar predsednik Pašić, ministar vojni Stefanović, komandanti divizija, generali, oficiri Beogradskog garnizona, pitomci Vojne akademije, gosti iz Južne Srbije, kao i preko petnaest hiljada Beograđana. Regruti polažu zakletvu uz crkveni obred koji vode vojni prota Zdravko Paunović i sveštenik Sava Rabrenović, a osmoricu vojnika „Mojsijeve vere“ zaklinje beogradski rabin Isak Alkalaj po obredima njihove vere. Komandant Vardarskog puka pukovnik Stojan Stojanović saopštava postrojenim vojnicima da je kralj njihovu zastavu odlikovao ordenom Karađorđeve zvezde IV stepena sa mačevima, nakon čega je svečanost završena.

Vardar regiment soldiers oath
Oath of the first recruits from the newly liberated Serbian regions, the soldiers of the Vardar regiment, started at 10 o`clock in the morning on the 13th April 1914 in the Lower Town of Kalemegdan Fortress.

Crown Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic, the Prime Minister Pasic, the Minister of Defence Stefanovic, commanders of divisions, generals, officers of the Belgrade garrison, cadets of the Military Academy, guests from Southern Serbia, as well as
over fifteen thousand citizens of Belgrade were present.
The regrutes take oath along with the church ritual led by the military archpriest Zdravko Paunovic and priest Sava Rabrenovic, and eight soldiers of the "Moses religion" are sworn by the Belgrade rabbi, Isak Alkalaj, according to the rituals of their creed. The Commander of the Vardar regiment, colonel Stojan Stojanovic, tells the soldiers that the king has decorated their flag with the Decoration of Karadjordje's fourth grade with swords, after which the ceremony was over.

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