Ambasador carske Rusije u Beogradu Nikolaj Hartvig (1857-1914) poznat
kao veliki panslavista i prijatelj Srbije iznenada je preminuo u
austro-ugarskom poslanstvu, prilikom posete ambasadoru Gizlu od
Gizlingena 27. juna 1914. po starom (10 jula po novom kalendaru). Iako
se sumnjalo da je otrovan, opšte je mišljenje da se Hartvig uzrujao
pošto mu je pokazan ultimatum Austro-ugarske srpskoj vladi, posle čega
je doživeo srčani udar i na mestu preminuo. Njegovom pogrebu 1 jula 1914
po starom (14 jula po novom) je prisustvovalo preko sto hiljada građana
Beograda i cele Srbije.
Na filmu je zabeležen izlazak stranih diplomata iz zgrade ruskog
poslanstva, izlazak mitropolita srpskog Dimitrija koji je sa niškim i
šabaškim episkopima i trideset i tri sveštenika održao kratko opelo u
poslanstvu, kao i iznošenje kovčega sa pokojnikovim telom iz zgrade
poslanstva, koga su nosili oficiri i činovnici Ministarstva inostranih
poslova na čelu sa predsednikom srpske vlade i Hartvigovim ličnim
prijateljem Nikolom Pašićem. Kamera snimatelja koji je radio za
producenta Đoku Bogdanovića je takođe snimila pogrebnu povorku na
centralnoj beogradskoj ulici Terazije kojom se nepregledna kolona
kretala na putu od Saborne crkve gde je služeno opelo do Novog groblja.
U najužoj pratnji pored svečanih kola sa pokojnikovim telom su išli
najviđeniji članovi srpskog političkog, vojnog i kulturnog života, kao i
ceo diplomatski kor. Poslednju molitvu pokraj Hartvigovog kovčega za
pokoj njegove duše na Novom groblju je održao mitropolit Dimitrije, kraj
koga su stajali Hartvigova supruga sa porodicom, predsednik vlade Nikola
Pašić i ministar prosvete i crkvenih poslova Ljubomir Jovanović.
The funeral of the Russian imperial deputies N. Hartvig
Ambassador of the Russian Empire in Belgrade, Nicholas Hartwig
(1857-1914), also known as an ardent Pan-Slavist and friend of Serbia,
passed away unexpectedly in the Austro-Hungarian embassy, during his
visit to the ambassador Baron Giesl von Gieslingen
on the 27th June 1914 upon
the old Calendar (10th July upon the new
Calendar). Although it was thought he had been poisoned, the general
opinion is that Hartwig got upset after he had been shown the ultimatum
of the Austro-Hungarian to the Serbian government, after which he had a
heart attack and died on the spot.
Over a hundred thousand citizens of Belgrade and Serbia attended his
funeral on the 1st July 1914 upon the old
Calendar (14th July upon the new Calendar).
Foreign diplomats exiting the building of the Russian mission can be
seen in the film along with exiting of the Serbian Metropolitan
Dimitrije and bishops from Niš and Šabac, with whom the Metropolitan
(accompanied with thirty three priests) held a short requiem in the
embassy, as well as carrying of the casket with the deceased body out of
the embassy building by the officers and clerks of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, headed by the President of the Serbian government and
Hartwig`s close friend Nikola Pašić.
Camera of the cameraman working for the producer Đoka Bogdanović
also recorded the funeral procession in the central Belgrade street
Terazije, along which the vast convoy was on the way from the Cathedral
Church of St. Michael the Archangel, where the requiem was held, to Novo
groblje (New Cemetery). In the closest cortege walking beside the
ceremonial car carrying the deceased body, there were the most prominent
members of the Serbian political, military and cultural life, as well as
the complete diplomatic corps. The last prayer for his soul to be at
peace was held next to the Hartwig`s coffin at Novo groblje by the
Metropolitan Dimitrije. Hartwig`s spouse and family stood beside the
coffin together with the President of the Government Nikola Pašić and
the Minister of Education and Ecclesial Affairs Ljubomir Jovanović.