Velike trke „Dunavskog kola jahača“ su održane 27. maja 1914 godine po
starom kalendaru (9 juna 1914. godine po novom kalendaru) su održane
povodom otvaranja novoizgrađenog trkališta u beogradskom izletištu
Topčider, Tog popodneva je održano pet konjskih trka, od kojih su četiri
zabeležene na filmskoj traci. Na filmu je ovekovečena atmosfera toplog
letnjeg popodneva sa prepunim tribinama, izgled Kraljevog paviljona i
beogradska elita na okupu, među kojom su se naročito isticale dame u
svojim raskošnim toaletama.
Racing on the new racetrack
Great races of the “Danube equestrian group“ were held on the 27th
May 1914 upon the old Calendar (the 9th June 1914 upon
the new Calendar) on the occasion of opening a newly built race course
in Belgrade outings spot called Topčider. That afternoon five horse
races were held, of which four were recorded on the film tape. The
atmosphere of the hot summer afternoon was captured in the film; also,
there were recorded crowded grandstands, exterior of the King`s pavilion
and Belgrade elite that gathered in this place, where ladies
distinguished themselves with their lavish dresses.