bitka |
Battle of Cer |
id # JK-EFG121 |
Dunav film; rezija,
Svetozar Pavlović ;
Jugoslovenska kinoteka |
srpski , 1964., 35mm, B&W |
Dokumentarni film o početcima Prvog svetskog rata na Balkanu. Napadu
Austro-Ugarske vojske na Srbiju i poznatoj bitci na Ceru koja se
odigrala sredinom avgusta 1914. Uglavnom sastavljen od fotografija, jer
bitka nije kinematografski snimana, ovaj brižljivo montirani film na
sugestivan način predočava prvu bitku u Prvom svetskom ratu i prvu,
potpuno neočekivanu pobedu srpske nad austro ugarskom vojskom.
Documentary film about the beginnings of World War I on the Balkans.
Attack of the Austro-Hungarian army on Serbia and famous battle of Cer,
which took place in the middle of August 1914. This film, mainly
composed of photographs since the battle was not filmed, was carefully
edited in an evocative manner to show the first battle in World War I
and the first, completely unexpected victory of the Serbian army over
the Austro-Hungarian one. |
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