Jugoslovenska kinoteka

 EFG1914 project
  Bugarski zarobljenici na Kalemegdanu  
  Bulgarian POW in Belgrade  
  known as (alternate titles) : Bugarski zarobljenici u Beogradskom donjem gradu  
  id #   JKBogd-EFG111  
  producent :  Đoka Bogdanović ;   Jugoslovenska kinoteka  
  srpski intertitlovi , 1913., 35mm, B&W   trajanje 3:37"  
  Prvi zarobljeni bugarski vojnici u borbi sa Srbima u Drugom balkanskom ratu prevezeni su vozom u Beograd 21. juna 1913. godine. Prva grupa od 17 zarobljenih oficira i 1200 vojnika pripadnika Rilske divizije je sprovedena beogradskim ulicama do Kalemegdanske tvrđave. Oficiri su bili smešteni u Pešadijskoj podoficirskoj školi u Gornjem gradu, a vojnici u Donjem gradu na Kalemegdanu. Za vreme zarobljeništva vojnici su se hranili iz vojničkog kazana, dok su oficiri primali novčanu nadoknadu. U sledećim mesecima do oslobađanja na Kalemegdanu je bilo smešteno nekoliko hiljada bugarskih oficira i vojnika.

Bulgarian POW in Belgrade

The first captured Bulgarian soldiers during the fight with the Serbs in the Second Balkan War were transported by train to Belgrade on 21st June 1913. The first group of 17 captured officers and 1200 soldiers of the Rilska Division were guided through the streets of Belgrade to Kalemegdan Fortress.The officers were put up in the Infantry Officers School in the Upper Town, and the soldiers were in the Lower Town of Kalemegdan Fortress.
During captivity, the soldiers were eating from the army cooking pot, whereas the officers received the compensation money.
In the following months, several thousand Bulgarian officers and soldiers were accommodated at Kalemegdan Fortress until the liberation.
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