Polaganje kamena temeljca Bogoslovije Sv.Save |
Laying the foundation stone of St. Sava Seminary |
id #
JKBogd-EFG110 |
producer : Đoka
Bogdanović ;
Jugoslovenska kinoteka |
engleski intertitlovi
, 1913., 35mm, B&W
trajanje 5:50" |
Na dan 27
aprila 1914. godine po starom kalendaru (10. maja 1914. godine po novom)
obavljeno je svečano osvećenje kamena temeljca za buduću zgradu
Bogoslovije Svetog Save u beogradskom naselju Vračar. Ovom događaju je
uz sveštenstvo, đake i profesore Bogoslovije prisustvovao veliki broj
Beograđana. Na filmu se vide članovi Odbora za izgradnju Bogoslovije
Svetog Save, mladi bogoslovi koji pristižu sa svojim profesorima, kao i
dolazak najviših zvanica, Dimitrija Pavlovića, mitopolita Beogradskog,
kraljevog izaslanika generala Pavla Jurišića Šturma, ministra prosvete
Ljube Jovanovanića i drugih. Temelje nove zgrade je osveštao i položio
kamen temeljac mitropolit Dimitrije, međutim planovi o izgradnji
Bogoslovije Svetog Save su uskoro propali zbog izbijanja Prvog svetskog
rata pa Bogoslovija nije nikada izgrađena na tom predviđenom mestu.
Laying the foundation stone of St. Sava Seminary On the 27th April 1914 upon the old Calendar – the Julian
calendar (the 10th May 1914 upon the new Calendar – the Gregorian
calendar) the ceremonial sanctification of the foundation stone for
future building of the Seminary of St. Sava in Belgrade quarter called
Vracar was performed. A great number of Belgrade citizens attended this
event alongside the clergy, students and professors of the Seminary.
Members of the Committee for construction of the Seminary St. Sava can
be seen in the film, as well as young theologists arriving in the
company of their professors and arrival of the esteemed guests Dimitrije
Pavlović, the Metropolitan of Belgrade, King`s emissary General Pavle
Jurišić Šturm, Minister of Education Ljuba Jovanović and others. The
foundation of this new building was sanctified by the Metropolitan
Dimitrije, who also laid the foundation stone; however the plans for
construction of the Seminary St. Sava soon failed due to the outbreak of
World War I, so the Seminary was never built in the designated spot.
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