Jugoslovenska kinoteka

 EFG1914 project
  Proslava ratnika Južne Srbije u Skoplju  
  Celebration of soldiers from Southern Serbia in Skopje  
  id # JK-EFG104  
  Jugoslovenski prosvetni film; Jugoslovenska kinoteka  
  srpski, 1932., 35mm, B&W,  trajanje/duration  30:00"  

Četrnaestog i petnaestog aprila 1914. godine, u beogradskoj tvrđavi je održana svečana zakletva prve generacije regruta iz Južne Srbije, tzv. „novooslobođenih oblasti”. Na dvadesetogodišnjicu ovog događaja, 14 i 15 aprila 1934 godine u Skoplju je priređena monumentalna parada preživelih boraca, pripadnika četničke organizacije i drugih ratnih i patriotskih udruženja. Na skopsku železničku stanicu vozom stižu veterani iz raznih krajeva Južne Srbije, među kojima se ističe četnički vojvoda Kosta Pećanac, a narednim vozom dolazi i patrijarh srpski Varnava. Defile četnika centralnim skopskim ulicama, oduševljeno pozdravljenih od okupljenih građna. Svečanost je otpočela defileom ratnih veterana na čelu sa ratnim komandantom, generalom Jovanom Naumovićem, a u koloni su bili  kamioni sa ratnim invalidima, četnici, jedinice redovne vojske, pripadnici narodne milicije u živopisnim narodnim odorama, sokoli . Monumentalni marš kroz grad, koji je celo Skoplje izveo na ulice, je završen ispred Oficirskog doma u noćnim satima, govorom komandanta III armijske oblasti generala Milana Nedića. Narednog dana svečanost je nastavljena u dvorištu skopske tvrđave, gde je u prisustvu patrijarha Varnave, izaslanika kralja generala Pavla Pavlovića, predsednika vlade Nikole Uzunovića, uz učešće jedinica skopskog garnizona i ratnih veterana održan  pomen palim ratnicima, završen govorom poznatog retitelja, književnika i rezervnog oficira, Stanislava Krakova. Nekoliko dana kasnije, na beogradskom Novom groblju su svečano preneti posmrtni ostaci regruta palih u odbrani Beograda 1915. godine

On the 14th and 15th of April 1914, in the Belgrade fort, was held a solemn oath of the first generation of recruits from South Serbia, the so-called. "newly empowered areas". At the twentieth anniversary of this event, on April 14th and 15th 1934, a monumental parade of surviving fighters, members of the Chetnik organization and other war and patriotic associations was organized in Skopje. Veterans from various parts of South Serbia arrive at the Skopje railway station, among which stands out the Chetnik Duke Kosta Pecanac, and with the next train comes the patriarch of Serbia, Varnava. Defile of chetniks to the central Skopje streets, delightfully welcomed by the gathered citizens. The ceremony began with the defile of war veterans led by the war commander, General Jovan Naumovic, and in the column were trucks with war invalids, chetniks, regular army units, members of the national militia in colorful folk clothes, members of  Soko comunity. A monumental march through the city, which brought Skopje to the streets, ended in front of the Officer’s chamber  at night, with the message of the commander of the III Army region, General Milan Nedic. The next day, the ceremony continued in the courtyard of the Skopje Fortress, where in the presence of the Patriarch Varnava, the envoy of the King, General Pavle Pavlovic, Prime Minister Nikola Uzunovic, and with the participation of the units of the Skopje garrison and war veterans, was held the commemoration of the fallen warriors, concluded by the speech of  famous director, writer and reserve officer , Stanislav Krakow.  A few days later, the Belgrade New Cemetery ceremoniously transferred the remains of the recruits who were killed in the defense of Belgrade in 1915.

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