Otkrivanje spomenika doktoru Rajsu u Topčideru |
Unveiling the monument of Doctor Reiss in Topčider |
id #
JK-EFG106 |
Novaković film; Snimatelj Kosta
Novaković; |
Jugoslovenska kinoteka ,
07:52“ |
Doktor Arčibald Rajs (1876-1929) poznati švajcarski kriminolog, već
početkom Velikog rata je na traženje srpske vlade bio izaslan od
Međunarodnog suda kao član komisije za utvrđivanje zločina austrijskih i
srpskih okupatora u Srbiji tokom Prvog svetskog rata. Prikupio je mnoga
dokumenta o nedelima okupatora u Mačvi i Istočnoj Srbiji i sa tim
upoznao svetsku javnost. Rajs se srodio sa srpskim narodom,pa je kao
dobrovoljac učestvovao u I svetskom ratu i sa srpskom vojskom prešao
preko Albanije. Posle rata živeo je u Beogradu, gde je i umero 1929.
godine. U znak zahvalnosti za sve što je učinio za srpski narod,
Udruženje rezervnih oficira i ratnika podiglo mu je spomenik u
Topčiderskom parku koji je otkriven 9 avgusta 1931,, a ceo događaj
zabeležen je kamerom pionira srpske kinematografije Koste Novakovića.
Doctor Archibald Reiss (1876-1929), a renowned Swiss
criminologist was at the very beginning of the Great War sent by the
International Court, on request of the Serbian government, as a member
of commission for determining crimes committed by the Austrian and
Serbian occupying forces in Serbia during World War I. He collected
numerous documents on atrocious deeds of the occupying forces in Mačva
and East Serbia and informed the world public about them. Reiss became
friendly with the Serbian people, so he participated as the volunteer in
World War I, crossing Albania alongside Serbian army. After the war, he
lived in Belgrade where he died in 1929. As a token of gratitude for all
that he did for the Serbian people, the Association of Reserve Officers
and Warriors raised him the monument in Topčider Park, which was
unveiled on the 9th August 1931 and the whole event was recorded by
camera of the Serbian cinematography pioneer Kosta Novaković. |
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