Jugoslovenska kinoteka

 EFG1914 project
  Otkrivanje spomen ploće borcima Cerske bitke u Tekerišu  
  Unveiling the commemorative plaque for fallen soldiers of the Battle of Cer in Tekeriš  
  id # JK-EFG113  
  Jugoslovenska kinoteka   
   Jugoslovenska kinoteka ,   35mm,   B&W   trajanje  01:36“  
  Povodom godišnjice Cerske bitke, prve pobede Savezničke vojske u I svetskom ratu, na Vidodan, 28. juna 1928 godine kralj Aleksandar je u Tekerišu na Ceru otkrio spomen ploču borcima Cerske bitke, koja je postavljena na spomeniku palim junacima. Spomenik je podiglo Udruženje rezervnih oficira i narod iz okoline uz pomoć čehoslovačke vlade, a u njegovu osnovu uzidane su kosti ratnika sakupljenje iz razbacanih grobova širom Cera. Tu su na istom mestu sahranjeni srpski vojnici i Česi, pripadnici 28 praškog puka, protiv svoje volje dovedeni na srpsko bojište. Na sačuvanom delu filma vidi se narod ispred spomenika, govor šabačkog episkopa Mihaila, kraljevska loža u kojoj je kralj Aleksandar, predsednik vlade Velja Vukićević, ministar Vera Simović i vojske Stevan Hadžić, čehoslovači poslanik Jan Šebo i načelnik generalštaba Čehoslovačke g. Sirovi. Nakon govora, kralj Aleksandar skida zastavu sa spomen ploče.

On the occasion of the Battle of Cer anniversary, the first victory of the Allied army in World War I, on Vidovdan (Saint Vitus` Day) the 28th June 1928, the King Alexander unveiled the commemorative plaque for fallen soldiers of the Battle of Cer in Tekeriš on Cer mountain, which was placed on the monument to fallen heroes. The monument was raised by the Association of Reserve Officers and people from the nearby areas with assistance of the Czechoslovakian government and bones of the warriors, gathered from the scattered graves throughout Cer Mountain, were built in its foundation. The Serbian soldiers and the Czechs, members of the 28th Prague regiment, brought to the Serbian battlefield against their will, were buried in the same place. On the preserved part of the film, we can see people in front of the monument, a speech of the Bishop of Šabac Mihailo, royal box where the King Alexander was seated, the Prime Minister Velja Vukićević, Minister of Religion Simović and Defence Minister Stevan Hadžić, the Czechoslovakian member of parliament Jan Šebo and the Head of the General Headquarters of Czechoslovakia Mr. Sirovi. After the speeches, the King Alexander unveils the flag from the commemorative plaque.
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