Kosta |
Kosta |
id # JK-EFG128 |
Slavija film, film; rezija:
Miodrag Jakšić ;
Jugoslovenska kinoteka |
srpski , 1962., 35mm,
kolor |
Slikarski opus akademskog slikara Koste Miličevića, zvanog Mazalino.
Njegov impresionisticki period i najplodniji deo njegovog stvaranja
baziran je na motivima borbi i stradanja srpskog naroda u Prvom svetskom
ratu, gde je učestvovao prvo kao vojnik, a potom, odlukom Vrhovne
komande na Krfu, kao ratni slikar.The artistic and painting opus of the
painter Kosta Milicevic, called Mazalino. His impressionistic period and
the most fruitful part of his creating was based on the motives of
battles and suffering of the Serbian people in World War I, where he
participated first as a soldier and then, by the decision of the General
Headquarters on the island Corfu, as a war artist.
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