Krf ili Plava grobnica |
Corfu |
id #
JK-EFG130 |
Jugoslovenska kinoteka |
kinoteka ,
08:11“ |
Posle povlačenja srpske vojske preko Albanije krajem 1915. godine,
francuska flota je tokom januara i februara 1916. godine na ostrvo Krf
transportovala oko 150.000 Srba. Vojnici, izmučeni od napornog marša
preko Albanije su masovno umirali, a najteži ranjenici i bolesnici
iskrcavani su na malo ostrvo Vido kraj Krfa, koje je bilo organizovano
kao bolnica. Bez mogućnosti sahrane na kamenitom ostrvu more oko njega
je pretvoreno u „plavu grobnicu“ u koju je spušteno preko 5000 ljudi.
Nemontirani filmski materijal pronađen pre nekoliko godina u
Jugoslovenskoj kinoteci, vođen pod arhivskim imenom „Krf ili Plava
grobnica“ je konačno identifikovan kao „Put senatora i narodnih
poslanika na Krf“ iz 1934 godine nastao u produkciji preduzeća
Jugoslovenski prosvetni film. Grupa od stotinu četrnaest senatora i
narodnih poslanika predvođeni predsednikom Senata Ljubomirom Tomašićem i
predsednikom Narodne skupštine Kostom Kumaundijem krenula je 10 maja
brodom „Prestolonaslednik Petar“ iz najsevernije jugoslovenske luke
Sušak put Krfa. Delegacija je do 15 maja obilazila Primorje i ostrva,
svuda svečano dočekana, kako bi se neposredno upoznala sa potrebama
naroda. a 15 maja iz najužnije luke Ulcinja, otplovila put Krfa.
Delegati su pomoću čamaca iskracni na ostrvo Vido – vojničko groblje gde
je održan pomen palim ratnicima. Pomen su služili grčki sveštenici
mitropolit Aleksandros i arhimandrit Politis, kao i sveštenici narodni
poslanici Branko Avramović, Branko Drljača i Boško Parabućki. Predsednik
Senata Tomašić i predsednik Skupštine Kumaundi sa broda su bacili venac
u more, „plavu grobnicu“. Narednog dana delegati su posetili Krf, gde je
bilo predviđeno održavanje svečane skupštinske sednice.
After the retreat of the Serbian army
through Albania in late 1915, the French fleet transported around
150,000 Serbs to the island of Corfu in January and February 1916.
Soldiers, exhausted from a strenuous march through Albania, died
massively, and the hardest wounded and sick were driven to the small
island of Vido near Corfu, which was organized as a hospital. Without
the possibility of burial on a rocky island, the sea around it was
turned into a "blue tomb", which has brought down more than 5,000
people. The unmanned film material found a few years ago in the Yugoslav
Cinematheque, led under the archival name "Corfu or Blue Tomb", was
finally identified as "The Way of the Senators and People's Deputies on
Corfu" from 1934, produced by the company Yugoslav educational film. The
group of one hundred and fourteen senators and deputies led by the
President of the Senate, Ljubomir Tomasic, and the Speaker of the
National Assembly, Kosta Kumaundi, launched with the ship "Crown Prince
Peter" from the northernmost port of Susak, on their way to Corfu. By
May 15th, the delegation visited coast and the islands, and were
ceremonially welcomed everywhere, in order to directly meet the needs of
the people. On May 15th, from the southernmost port of Ulcinj, they
sailed route to the Corfu. Using the boats the delegates were unshiped
to the island of Vido - a military cemetery where the commemoration of
the fallen warriors was held. Commemoration was served by Greek clergy,
Metropolitan Alexandros, and Archimandrite Politis, as well as priests,
deputies Branko Avramovic, Branko Drljaca and Bosko Parabucki. Senate
President Tomasic and Assembly Speaker Kumaundi threw a wreath into the
sea, a "blue tomb". The next day, the delegates visited Corfu, where it
was planned to hold a formal assembly session.
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