Georgije ubiva aždahu |
St George Kills the Dragon |
id #
JK-EFG207 |
by: Srdjan Dragojevic ; |
kinoteka language
sr., 2009., 35mm, colour,
trajanje 2h |
Za vreme
Prvog balkanskog rata 1912. godine: srpska izviđačka četa biva
bombardovana. Sredovečni narednik Đorđe spasava život svom komšiji,
teško ranjenom mladiću Gavrilu, konjičkom potporučniku. Po završetku
rata, devojka Katarina dočekuje Gavrila na železničkoj stanici, ali on,
očajan zbog gubitka ruke, odbija njenu ljubav. Za njim ide Đorđe kome
zbunjena i razočarana Katarina predaje rukom pleteni venac od ruža,
namenjen Gavrilu.Vreme prolazii i mnogo mlađa i lepa Katarina, devojka
koja je studirala slikarstvo u Beogradu, sada kao Đorđeva supruga, živi
u selu u kome živi i Gavrilo sa svojom trudnom ženom. Đorđe je komandant
mesne žandarmerije, a Gavrilo sa svoja dva brata – švercer. Katarina je
zauvek ostala Gavrilova ljubav, a Đorđu je neostvarena ljubav,
nedostižna sreća, nezaslužena lepota. Katarina i Gavrilo postaju
ljubavnici, a Đorđe to sazna, ali se kloni obračuna i sve toleriše samo
da ga žena ne bi napustila. Izbija Prvi svetski rat, seljaci su
mobilisani među njima i Đorđe. Kao i u vreme prethodnog rata, u selu
ostaju invalidi na koje su muževi - vojnici kivni i ljubomorni zbog
svojih žena koje su ostavili. Iako invalid, Gavrilo se prijavljuje u
konjičku jedinicu, ali biva odbijen. Na peticiju vojnika u kojoj traže
zaštitu žena i porodica od invalida i "škarta" ostalog po selima,
vrhovna komanda regrutuje i invalide. Predvodi ih Gavrilo, koji kao
heroj iz prethodnog rata ne podleže mobilizaciji, ali na front ide
dobrovoljno. Na frontu se vode krvave borbe, hara smrt, primiče
apokalipsa. Tužna grupa osakaćenih ljudi stiže kao pojačanje jedinici
kojom komanduje Đorđe. I Đorđe i Gavrilo ni ovoga puta ne rašćiščavaju
međusobne račune iako za to ima mogućnosti, obojica svesni da se od zle
sudbine ne može pobeći. Ginu zajedno tokom bitke na Ceru. Noću, Katarina
sa fenjerom u ruci, pronalazi Đorđa i Gavrila kako leže jedan pored
drugog. Istovremeno stiže i Gavrilova žena, pa njih dve zajedno drvenim
kolima povezu tela svojih muževa. U rovu pronalaze jedinog preživelog,
dečaka dečak iz sela, zvani Siroče, koji je ovde dospeo prateći Gavrila.
Njihov vodič, Siroče u rukama nosi izrešetanu ikonu zaštitnika sela
Svetog Georgija (Đorđa), koji probada aždahu - zlo, pošast, stradanje,
uzaludnu žrtvu, nesreću, rat.
During the First Balkan War in
1912 the Serbian reconnoitre troop was bombed. The middle aged sergeant
Đorđe saves his neighbour, seriously injured young man Gavrilo, the
Cavalry second lieutenant. When the war ended, a girl named Katarina
welcomes Gavrilo at the railway station, but he refuses her love, being
desperate due to arm loss. He is followed by Đorđe to whom puzzled and
disappointed Katarina hands over the wicker rose wreath, intended for
Gavrilo. Time passes and considerably young and beautiful Katarina, the
girl who studied painting in Belgrade, is now Đorđe`s wife, living in
the village where Gavrilo also lives with his pregnant wife. Đorđe is in
command of the local Gendarmerie and Gavrilo is a smuggler – along with
his two brothers. Katarina has always stayed Gavrilo`s love and to Đorđe
she is an unrealized love, unattainable happiness, undeserved beauty.
Katarina and Gavrilo become lovers and Đorđe finds out about that, but
he stays away from any conflict and tolerates everything, so that his
wife doesn`t leave him. World War I breaks out, peasants are mobilised,
and Đorđe is among them. As in the previous war, disabled persons stay
in the village and husbands – soldiers are angry and jealous of them
because of their wives left there in the village. Although an invalid,
Gavrilo registers in the cavalry troop, but he is rejected. Upon
soldiers` petition, in which they requested the protection for their
wives and families from the invalids and "thrash" left in the villages,
the supreme command recruited the invalids, too. They are led by
Gavrilo, who being the hero from the previous war is not to be
mobilized, but proceeds to the front voluntarily. Bloody fights are
fought on the front, death is raging, and the apocalypse is approaching.
A sad group of crippled men arrive as the enforcement for the unit in
command of Đorđe. Đorđe and Gavrilo do not solve their mutual issues,
although they have opportunities to do that. Both of them are aware that
they cannot run away from the adverse fate. They die together during the
battle of Cer. At night Katarina finds, carrying the lantern in her
hand, Đorđe and Gavrilo lying next to each other. At the same time
Gavrilo`s wife comes and the two of them transport the bodies of their
husbands together in a wooden cart. In the tranches they find the only
survivor, a boy from the village named Orphan, who ended up there by
following Gavrilo. Their guide, the Orphan, carries in his hands a
riddled with bullets icon of the village patron Saint George who kills
the dragon – evil, plague, suffering, futile victims, disaster, and war.
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