Jedrene posle zauzeća 1913 |
Jedrene after capture 1913 |
id # JK-EFG136 |
Jugoslovenska kinoteka |
n/a , 1913., 35mm, B&W,
trajanje 3:20" |
Pretpostavlja se da je ovaj film snimio ruski operater i ratni dopisnik
Samson Černov
neposredno po predaji Jedrena bugarskoj i srpskoj vojsci krajem marta
1913. godine. Prikazani su bugarski vojnici kako obilaze okope i redute
jedrenskog utvrđenja, zarobljeni turski vojnici koje čuva bugarski
trećepozivac, panorama grada sa najveće Selimove džamije, kao i spoljni
i unutrašnji izgled ove džamije. Vide se i gradske ulice, stanovništvo
izmešano sa vojnicima, gradska bolnica sa predstavnicima crvenog
polumeseca, zgrade ukrašene bugarskim zastavama. U poslednjim kadrovima
vidimo srpske vojnike, pripadnike II armije koja je učestvovala u opsadi
Jedrena, pored železničkih vagona u koje utovaruju konje i opremu.
It is supposed that this film was filmed by
the Russian operator and war correspondent Samson Cernov directly after
the capitulation of Jedren to the Bulgarian and Serbian Armies at the
end of March 1913. The Bulgarian soldiers are shown walking around
trenches and fortifications of the Jedren fort; we can see captive
Turkish soldiers who are guarded by the Bulgarian III age class soldier,
panorama of the town from the highest Selim mosque, as well as the
external and internal appearance of this mosque. Town streets, citizens
mingling with the soldiers, town hospital with representatives of the
Red Crescent and buildings decorated with the Bulgarian flags can be
seen. In the last frames, we can see the Serbian soldiers, members of
the II Army, which participated in the siege of Jedren, close to the
railway wagons loading horses and equipment.
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