Jugoslovenska kinoteka

 EFG1914 project
  Belle Epoque  
  Last Waltz in Sarajevo  
  alternate title:  Poslednji valcer u Sarajevu  
  id # JK-EFG205    
  Bosna film ; directed by: Nikola Stojanović ;  
   Jugoslovenska kinoteka    language sr., 1980., 35mm, colour, trajanje 2h 11min  
  Film slobodno interpretira događaje, pretežno u Sarajevu, između 15. juna 1910. i 15. juna 1914. godine koji su prethodili i izazvali izbijanje Velikog rata, tj. I svetskog rata, a koji je opet, bitno izmenio odnose u Evropi, pa i šire. Počinje neuspelim atentatom na guvernera Bosne i Hercegovine, generala Varešanina i završava se odlaskom u rat vojnika Austro-ugarske monarhije, neposredno posle atentata na austrougraskog prestolonaslednika Franca Ferdinanda i njegovu ženu Sofiju. Vreme, poznato pod nazivom "Belle epoque", jeste vreme uživanja za povlašćene, ali i vreme razvoja svesti da je potrebno oslobođenje od okupatorske vlasti. Događaji su dati kroz vizuru nastanka novog tehnološkog pronalaska - filma. Neposredni učesnici i svedoci događaja su jedan italijanski, gostujući snimatelj, Fabricio Marineti, vlasnik prvog sarajevskog bioskopa, prvi bosansko-hercegovački snimatelj i vlasnik bioskopa "Apolo", Anton Valić i već iskusni Pateov snimatelj Luj de Beri. Dotiče se i problematika "snimljenih" događaja, pa na zahtev cenzure premontiravanih, problematika njihove verodostojnosti, tj. dilema da li film jeste ili nije istorijski dokument.

The film freely interprets events occurring predominantly in Sarajevo between the 15th June 1910 to the 15th June 1914 that had preceded and caused breaking out of the Great War, i.e. World War I, which significantly changed relations in Europe and worldwide. It starts with the unsuccessful assassination attempt of the Governor of Bosnia and Herzegovina, General Varešanin and it ends with departure of soldiers from the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, immediately after the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne, and his wife Sofia. This period, also known by the name “Belle epoque“, is the time of great pleasures for the privileged and also the time of developing awareness that liberation from the occupying forces is needed. The events are presented through perspective of the new technological invention – film. Direct participants and witnesses of the events are an Italian guest cinematographer Fabrizio Marinetti, the owner of the first cinema in Sarajevo, the first Bosnia and Herzegovina cinematographer and owner of the cinema “Apollo“ Anton Valić and the already experienced cinematographer Louis de Berry. The film addresses the problem of “recorded“ events that were re-edited on the censors request, the issue of their authenticity as well as dilemma whether the film is the historical document or not.
  l index r  
  supported by  
eurpeana jk efg eu